Your personal content creation assistant

Your personal content creation assistant

Quickly create SEO-friendly and unique content for your website, emails, ads, and blog posts using our efficient tool, saving you 10X more time.

No credit card required.
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How does it work?

You need to follow a few simple steps to generate your content. Use the AI and save your time.


Select a template

Choose a content creation template. Multiple templates are available for your all needs.


Fill the form

Enter a detailed description of your content. Tell the AI what do you want.


Get your content

Get a unique high quality content. The content is plagiarism free and you can use it anywhere.


AI Content Writer

Generate your required content with over 60+ content creation templates.

Article And Blogs

Ads And Marketing Tools

General Writing


Social Media




AI Chat Assistants

AI ChatBots use artificial intelligence to understand and respond to your questions and conversations. Chatbots are really helpful because they can give you instant and personalized help.

We offer a diverse range of specialized chatbots across various industries. Eg. Relationship Advisor, Bussiness Coach, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Lawyer, Doctor etc.

Chat Now

Our Pricing Plans

We offer flexible pricing plans to suit the diverse needs of our clients.

Free Trial

Features of  Free Trial
  • 61 AI Document Templates
  • 5,000 Words per month
  • 3 Images per month
  • 3 Speech to Text per month
  • 1 MB Audio file size limit
  • AI Chat
  • 0 AI Chat Bots
  • AI Code
  • Hide Ads
  • Free Support

Any Questions? Answered

Here, we aim to provide you with answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our product.

Creaitxt stands out as a state-of-the-art AI writing platform that offers unparalleled capabilities when it comes to crafting SEO-optimized content. It is designed to help you boost your website's organic traffic by generating compelling content that strategically incorporates relevant keywords, internal and external links for maximum impact. By leveraging Creaitxt, you can effortlessly elevate your online presence, drive sales, and significantly boost your revenue to achieve your business objectives.

Creaitxt presents a complimentary trial of 5000 Premium words, which amply provides an opportunity to test this AI platform. There is no obligation to provide credit card information for this trial. The platform allows the flexibility to switch between GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 at any point, enabling users to experience the desired quality. Additionally, our customer support team is pleased to offer additional complimentary words to large businesses, agencies, or enterprises.
Creaitxt caters to a diverse audience comprising marketers, entrepreneurs, agencies, and students who seek to create content with ease.
One doesn't have to be a seasoned writer to benefit from Creaitxt's services. Even seasoned wordsmiths are quick to acknowledge the value of Creaitxt's AI-generated, SEO-optimized content.
It offers a wealth of new ideas to explore, helps manage time better, enhances productivity, and ultimately boosts revenue.
Hence, it's no surprise that Creaitxt's user base includes thousands of professional writers.



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